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Mathematics and Technical Foundation Skills

Engineering Technology Orientation, Part 1

Course #: 062002
Duration: 10 hours
What Students Learn: Preview
This study unit will provide a detailed discussion of the working engineer's and technician's reponsibilities and opportunities. Trainees will be able to use this information to start mapping out a plan for success in engineering for advancement in a rewarding career.

When a student completes this study unit, he and she will be able to:

  • Recognize the impact engineers and technology have had on our lives.
  • Understand the general tasks technicians perform in the workplace.
  • Recognize why the ability to work well with teams is important to technicians.
  • Appreciate the importance of organization to both the engineering student and the working technician.

    Engineering Technology: Engineering's Effect on History; Iron Age and the development of Steel; Steam Power and the launch of the Transportation Age; Electricity; Flight and Space; Technology's impact on the world; The Technician Today; Tools for Success: Teamwork and the ability to communicate; Solving Problems analytically; The Problem-Solving process; Defining the Root Problem; Identifying, Evaluating and Selecting the best solutions; Implementing the Solution and checking the results. Mathematically Thinking: Angles, Vectors, and Trigonometry; Statistically Speaking; Using Calculators and Computers; Units, Standards and Conversions; Using Units to solve problems accurately.

    Special Notes:
  • This updated course replaces, Engineering Orientation, Part 1, course 4102A.
  • The entire course consists of study units 062002 and 062003.

  • Engineering Technology Orientation, Part 2

    Course #: 062003
    Duration: 10 hours
    What Students Learn: Preview
    This study unit introduces the common benefits to most careers in the engineering technologies. The concept of data is explained. Students will learn why data collection and interpretation are important to all technicians. The course will cover how engineering technicians support businesses in their continuous drive to improve quality, productivity and customer satisfaction. It covers the job responsibilities of engineering technicians in different types of businesses. Finally, it discusses how obtaining a degree in engineering technology will improve your career opportunities.


  • Explain how a technician gathers data.
  • Explain how and why technicians use data.
  • Explain why the work of engineering technicians contribute to the competitiveness of a business.
  • Describe the job responsibilities of an engineering technician.
  • List some of the main industries that employ engineering technicians.

    Introduction: Types of Data; Accuracy; Data Collection and Graphing; Creating Charts and Graphs; The Computer's Role in data collection and interpretation; Engineering Technician's Meeting the Needs of Industry: Competition and Productivity; Quality and the Engineering Technician; The Working Technician: Manufacturing Technology; Construction Manufacturing Technology; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Electronics Engineering; Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering: Specialists in the Product Development Cycle; The Value of getting a Degree.

    Special Notes:
  • This new course replaces, Engineering Orientation, Part 2, course 4102B.
  • The entire course consists of study units 062002 and 062003.

  • Basic Industrial Math

    Course #: Block X21
    Duration: 30 hours
    What Students Learn: This module of six study units offers the trainee arithmetic and basic mathematics, metric measurement, and calculator fundamentals. The Metric System is an introductory unit which includes metric conversions. Problem exercises and examples in this module are presented in on-the-job scenarios with applications drawn from the industrial context.
    Components: Addition and Subtraction (186008); Multiplication and Division (186009); Fractions, Percents, Proportions, and Angles (186010); Metric System (186011); Formulas (186012); Introduction to Algebra (186013);
    Special Notes: This updated course replaces lessons contained within Practical Math and Measurements, Block X01. Each study unit contains a progress examination.

    Addition and Subtraction

    Course #: 186008
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn:

    • Define the terms: whole number, numeral, digit, decimal, place value, addend, sum, minuend, subtrahend, and difference.
    • Explain the significance of the digit zero in a number.
    • Differentiate between concrete and abstract numbers.
    • Properly prepare numbers for addition and subtraction.
    • Perform addition and subtraction on numbers.
    • How to check your answers to both addition and subtraction problems.
    • How to use a calculator to add and subtract numbers.

    Multiplication and Division

    Course #: 186009
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn:

  • Define the terms: factor, multiplicand, multiplier, partial product, dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder.
  • Recognize the various signs used for multiplication and division.
  • Properly prepare numbers for multiplication and division.
  • Perform multiplication and division on whole numbers and decimals.
  • How to check your answers to both multiplication and division problems.
  • How to find the average of a group of numbers.
  • How to use a calculator to multiply and divide numbers.

  • Fractions, Percents, Proportions, and Angles

    Course #: 186010
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn:

  • Define the terms: fraction, proper fraction, improper fraction, lowest common denominator, percent, ratio, and proportion.
  • How to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and decimals.
  • How to change fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.
  • Solve problems involving percent.
  • How to use a protractor to measure angles.
  • Lay out templates for checking angles.
  • How to use a calculator to solve percent problems and to convert fractions to decimals.

  • Metric System

    Course #: 186011
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn:

  • Name the base units most commonly used in the metric system.
  • Identify metric prefixes and their values.
  • Apply conversion factors to increase or decrease metric base units.
  • Estimate lengths in metric units.
  • Express temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • Define the terms: mass, density, force, torque, and pressure. Identify the metric units used to measure each one.
  • How to use a calculator to convert one metric unit to another.

  • Formulas

    Course #: 186012
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn:

  • Explain the use of letters in formulas.
  • Prepare and use formulas to solve problems.
  • The use of formulas to calculate the perimeter of a triangle and rectangle, distance, area of a triangle, rectangle, and circle, volume of a pyramid, current in a circuit, and volume of a sphere.
  • How to use a calculator to find square root and solve formulas.
  • Transform and solve an equation.
  • Perform basic arithmetic operations with signed terms.
  • Substitute given numerical values for letters in a formula and find the unknown quantity.

    Special Notes: This updated course replaces 2468.

  • Introduction to Algebra

    Course #: 186013
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn:

  • Define the terms: term, constant, coefficient, exponent, monomial, trinomial, and polynomial.
  • Identify and combine like terms in an expression.
  • Multiply and divide terms containing exponents.
  • Remove parentheses from an expression and simplify the expression.
  • Perform basic arithmetic operations with signed terms.

  • Introduction to Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry

    Course #: Block X02
    Duration: 72 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn: This twelve lesson block is for those trainees requiring more advanced math subjects. The subject of algebra is covered in detail and the subjects of geometry and trigonometry are introduced in a practical manner.
    Because math skills vary widely, a placement test is available to determine the trainee's specific knowledge of the various areas. Test X0250: Introduction to Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry is divided into four sections: lessons X0201 through X0204; lessons X0205 through X0208; lessons X0209 through X0210; and lessons X0211 and X0212.
    Components: Algebra: Monomials and Polynomials (X0201); Algebra: Factoring (X0202); Algebra: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions (X0203); Algebra: Multiplication and Division of Fractions (X0204); Algebra: Linear Equations (X0205); Algebra: Simultaneous Linear Equations (X0206); Algebra: Determinants (X0207); Algebra: Quadratic Equations (X0208); Algebra: Exponents (X0209); Algebra: Radicals and Imaginary Numbers (X0210); Applied Geometry (X0211); Practical Trigonometry (X0212); Progress Examination Booklet (X0220); Progress Examination (X0221); Progress Examination (X0222); Progress Examination (X0223); Progress Examination (X0224); Placement Test: Introduction to Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry (X0250);

    Algebra: Monomials and Polynomials

    Course #: X0201
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Remove grouping symbols from algebraic expressions, dividing by a monomial when indicated.
  • Multiply binomials by monomials, trinomials, and other inomials.
  • Calculate the square root and the third power of given monomials.
  • Find special products involving binomials.
  • Divide one polynomial by another polynomial of lower degree.

  • Algebra: Factoring

    Course #: X0202
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Find the prime factors of certain binomials and trinomials.
  • Factor a given trinomial.
  • Use the Factor Theorem to factor a given polynomial.
  • Use factoring to find the roots of an equation.
  • Divide one polynomial by another polynomial of lower degree.
  • Find the lowest common multiple of several polynomials.

  • Algebra: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

    Course #: X0203
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Recognize equivalent algebraic fractions.
  • Perform additions and subtractions involving algebraic fractions.
  • Reduce an algebraic fraction to its lowest terms.
  • Find the least common denominator for a group of algebraic fractions.

  • Algebra: Multiplication and Division of Fractions

    Course #: X0204
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Perform multiplications and divisions involving algebraic fractions.
  • Reduce an algebraic fraction to its lowest terms.
  • Find the least common denominator for a group of algebraic fractions.
  • Solve equations involving fractions or decimals.
  • Simplify complex fractions.

  • Algebra: Linear Equations

    Course #: X0205
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Recognize equations expressing mixture problems and other word problems.
  • Solve number problems, digit problems, and age problems.
  • Recognize the graph of a linear equation, given the graph or a set of points.

  • Algebra: Simultaneous Linear Equations

    Course #: X0206
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Recognize essential steps in the solving of simultaneous linear equations by addition, subtraction, comparison, graphing, and clearing of fractions.
  • Identify the classification of a system of equations.
  • Solve a system of linear equations.
  • Solve interest problems, lever problems, and work-sharing problems.

  • Algebra: Determinants

    Course #: X0207
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Evaluate a second-order determinant and expand a third-order determinant.
  • Recognize the standard form to be used in solving simultaneous equations by determinants.
  • Recognize determinants that represent the solutions of simultaneous equations in two or three unknowns.

  • Algebra: Quadratic Equations

    Course #: X0208
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Recognize the graphical solution of two equations.
  • Solve and recognize steps in the solution of systems of quadratic equations and systems of a quadratic and linear equation.
  • Solve a fourth-degree polynomial equation in quadratic form.
  • Use the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation, calculate the discriminant of a quadratic equation, and point out what can be known from a given discriminant.
  • Write a quadratic equation which has given roots.
  • Solve word problems involving quadratic equations.

  • Algebra: Exponents

    Course #: X0209
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of a fractional exponent.
  • Apply the rules for positive and negative exponents in multiplication, division, and raising to powers.
  • Use radicals to convert fractional exponents and use fractional exponents to convert radicals.
  • Write a given number in standard form.

  • Algebra: Radicals and Imaginary Numbers

    Course #: X0210
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Simplify several radicals and then add like terms.
  • Rationalize the denominator of a fraction and eliminate an imaginary number from the denominator of a fraction.
  • Solve an equation containing several square roots.
  • Multiply, divide, and raise to powers terms containing radicals.

  • Applied Geometry

    Course #: X0211
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Recognize characteristics of angles and closed plane figures.
  • Distinguish between common geometric solids.
  • Apply the Pythagorean theorem.
  • Calculate perimeters and areas of a polygon, circle, and ellipse.
  • Apply the formula for area and volume of geometric solids.

  • Practical Trigonometry

    Course #: X0212
    Duration: 6 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn:

  • Define trigonometric functions.
  • Use trigonometric tables and apply interpolation.
  • Solve right triangles.
  • Apply the laws of sines and cosines in solving oblique triangles.

  • Basic Organic Chemistry

    Course #: 5017A-B
    Duration: 20 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Elements of Chemistry (5011);
    What Students Learn: PART 1 (5017A). Properties and Structural Theory; Principles of Homology; Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Dienes, Alicyclic Hydrocarbons.
    PART 2 (5017B). Benzene; Arenes, Alcohols; Phenols, Alkyl Halides, Ethers, Carboxylic Acids; Aldehydes; Ketones; Amines.

    Inorganic Chemistry

    Course #: 5005A-D
    Duration: 40 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Formulas (186012);
    What Students Learn: PART 1 (5005A). Concept of Chemistry; History of Chemistry; Composition and Division of Matter; State and Properties of Matter, Mass and Weight; Atomic Theory; Molecules, Atoms, Elements, and Compounds; Chemical and Physical Changes; Measurements and Units; Gases, Liquids, and Solids; Gas Laws; Critical Temperature and Pressure; Vapor Pressure; Surface Tension; Solidification of Vapors and Liquids; Laws of Mass and Energy; Symbols and Formulas; Atomic and Molecular Weights; Equations; Writing and Balancing Equations, Types of Equations, Laws of Proportions, and Volumes.
    PART 2 (5005B). Scientific Methods; Valence and Atomic Structure; Electro-Valence and Formula Writing; Electron Shells and Energy Levels, Acids, Bases, and Salts; Nomenclature and Classification; Properties and Reactions; Theories; Neutralization; Solutions; Concentration; Colloids; Emulsions; Ionization; Electrolytic Reactions; Conductivity; Ionization of Acids, Bases, and Salts; The Quantum Theory.
    PART 3 (5005C). Periodic Law: Periods and Groups, Periodic Table and Valence, Energy Level and Atomic Volume, Ionization Potential, Electro-Negativity; Chemical Bonding: Ionic Bonds, Covalent Boards, Coordinate Covalent Bonding; Coordination of Complex Compounds; Electronic View of Complex Compounds; Hybridization; Nomenclature of Complex Compounds; Isomerism; Chemical Calculations; Percentage of Constituents in Compounds; Calculation of Quantities; Solution of Problems Involving Weight and Gaseous Volumes; Specific Gravity and Degrees Baume; Chemical Equilibrium; Reversible Reactions; Equilibrium Shift; Influence of Temperature, Pressure, and Light.
    PART 4 (5005D). Colloids; Dispersions; Suspensoids; Gels; Soaps; Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic-Molecular Theory; Oxidation-Reduction Reactions; Oxidation State and Number; Redox Equations; Balancing Equations by Redox Method; Electro-Chemistry; Faraday's Laws; Types of Cells; Electrode Potential; Lead Storage Battery; Hydrogen-Ion Concentration and pH; Radioactive Elements; Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rays; Radium; Radioactive Disintegration and Half-Life; Artificial Transmutation; Nuclear Reactors; Radioisotopes; Fusion.

    Practical Geometry

    Course #: 5983A-B
    Duration: 20 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Introduction to Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry (Block X02);
    What Students Learn: PART 1 (5983A). Points, Lines, Surfaces, and Angles; Perpendicular and Parallel Lines; Triangles; Quadrilaterals; Other Polygons.
    PART 2 (5983B). The Circle; Arcs and Areas of Figures Bounded by Them; Solids; Areas and Volumes of Unusual Figures.

    Special Notes: Covers subject at an advanced, in-depth level.

    Inorganic Chemicals and Processes

    Course #: 5008A-F
    Duration: 60 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Inorganic Chemistry (5005A-D);
    What Students Learn: PART 1 (5008A). Chemical Apparatus and Laboratory Methods; Oxygen; Ozone; Hydrogen; Hydrogen Peroxide; Water.
    PART 2 (5008B). Atmosphere and Rare Gases; Nitrogen and its Compounds; Ammonia; Nitric Acid; Carbon: its Compounds and Uses; Silicon and Boron.
    PART 3 (5008C). Group VIII Elements; Copper Family; Zinc Family; Manganese Family.
    PART 4 (5008D). Alkali Metals; Alkali Earth Metals; Group IIIB Elements.
    PART 5 (5008E). Titanium Family; Vanadium Family; Aluminum Family; Tin and Lead Group; Phosphorus Family.
    PART 6 (5008F). Sulfur Family; Halogen Family.

    Working Safely with Chemicals

    Course #: 186002
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn: Preview
    This study unit deals with the safe use of chemicals in the workplace. The two primary causes of chemical accidents are the misuse of chemicals and the improper disposal of chemical wastes. Understanding the hazards that chemicals can create is the first step in protecting people from harm.
    The main goal of this study unit is to provide students with sound, practical knowledge about chemical use and disposal, both in the workplace and at home. You will learn how to recognize common chemical hazards and how to deal with them. Trainees will learn how to perform a job analysis to look for potential chemical dangers in your daily taks. Finally, people will learn how to take precautions to avoid chemical accidents and make all jobs as safe as possible.

    When a student completes this study unit, he and she will be able to:

  • Recognize the six different ways in which a chemical can cause physical injury.
  • Name the routes or paths of entry by which chemicals can enter the body.
  • Describe the types of injuries caused by chemicals.
  • Identify potential chemical dangers in your workplace.
  • Describe how to identify, store and label hazardous chemicals.
  • List several methods used to prevent chemical accidents.
  • Explain why proper training is important to chemical handling.
  • Describe the types of personal protective equipment used and worn when handling chemicals.
  • Explain the role of governmental agencies in enforcing chemical regulations.

    Introduction: Living with Chemicals; Chemical Injuries; Accident Prevention; Handling Hazardous Wastes.

  • Fire Safety

    Course #: 186003
    Duration: 5 hours
    What Students Learn: Preview
    Fires are the most destructive and expensive of all accidents. However, fires can be effectvely prevented through the combined use of technology and common sense. By understanding how fires get started and how to extinguish them, students will have much of the knowledge needed to protect people from fire. This study unit will introduce trainees to the information you need to practice fire safety and prevention in the workplace.

    When a student completes this study unit, he and she will be able to:

  • Describe the types of property losses and injuries associated with fires.
  • Explain how fires are ignited.
  • Identify the four classes of fire.
  • Describe the primary fire hazards found in the workplace.
  • Explain the various ways in which fires can be prevented.
  • Describe the operation of several different fixed fire protection systems.
  • Identify the proper type of portable fire extinguisher to use on a fire.
  • Describe the operation of several different types of fire extinguishers.
  • Explain how to defend yourself and others in a fire situation.
  • Describe how to safely evacuate a burning building.

    Introduction to Fire; Fire Hazards in the Workplace; Preventing Fires; Fixed Fire Protection Equipment; Portable Fire Extinguishers; Fire Protection Techniques.

  • Preventive Maintenance

    Course #: 286085
    Duration: 5 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Trades Safety: Getting Started (186001); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn: Preview
    The purpose of a preventive maintenance program is to locate possible machine or equipment faults before the machine fails.

    When a student completes this study unit, he and she will be able to:

  • Describe the function of inspection and scheduled maintenance as the basis of preventive maintenance.
  • Explain why preventive maintenance is performed and how it's scheduled.
  • Identify those within industry who should be part of preventive maintenance planning and execution.
  • Discuss the causes, effects, and goals of a successful preventive maintenance program.
  • Explain how a computerized preventive maintenance program can be developed and implemented.

    Introduction To Preventive Maintenance; Why Perform Preventive Maintenance?; Scheduling Preventive Maintenance; PM Program Personnel; PM Program Goals; Computerized PM Programs.

  • Preventive Maintenance Techniques

    Course #: 286086
    Duration: 5 hours
    Course Prerequisites: Trades Safety: Getting Started (186001); Basic Industrial Math (Block X21); Practical Measurements (Block X22);
    What Students Learn: Preview
    How to implement a preventive maintenance (PM) program is just as important as the why and when of such a program. It doesn't pay to create a well thought out and scheduled PM program only to have the lubrication, inspection, or repair tasks performed improperly. The objective of this unit is to show you how to perform these tasks safely and properly. This will include showing you typical PM tasks as they are performed on common industrial equipment.

    When a student completes this study unit, he and she will be able to:

  • Explain how to inspect and properly maintain a belt, chain, and gearbox power transmission system.
  • Discuss why proper alignment is necessary when operating a power transmission system.
  • List the steps needed to properly maintain an AC or DC motor.
  • Explain how to perform a start-up or bump test of a motor.
  • Describe how to perform PM tasks on pneumatic systems.
  • Describe how to maintain both floor and elevated conveyor systems.
  • Identify the types of elevators and vertical lifts in your plant and the proper PM procedures for this equipment.
  • Explain how to maintain liquid and vacuum pump systems.
  • Describe how to perform a basic alignment of in-line shafts.
  • List the proper PM procedures for electronic controllers and robot systems.

    PM Of Power Transmission Systems; PM Of Electric Motors And Controllers; PM Of Pneumatic Systems; PM Of Conveyors; PM Of Vertical Lifts; PM Of Vacuum And Fluid Pumps; PM Of Electronic Controllers; PM Of Robots.

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