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HVAC Technician Schools & Classes

Penn Foster Workforce Development's online HVAC classes are designed to equip trainees with the professional maintenance skills to assemble, install, troubleshoot, and repair HVAC systems for residential and commercial properties.

HVAC technicians can look forward to enhancing their abilities in the following:

  • Heating, cooling (air conditioning) and climate control
  • Ventilation, insulation, pipefitting, and ductwork
  • Blueprint reading
  • Customer and dealer service
  • Connecting and wiring equipment and mechanical systems
HVAC technician training introduces mechanic trainees to the curriculum with an overview of basic industrial math, practical measurements, industrial safety, and tool fundamentals. Throughout the self-paced HVAC apprenticeship, trainees will progress into specialized refrigeration and HVAC coursework, including academic study covering Air Conditioning Systems, Electric Heating, and Industrial Plumbing and Pipefitting. From learning about the various heating and cooling systems to air distribution and cleaning techniques, subject matter covered in online HVAC classes adequately prepares trainees for rewarding HVAC careers and opportunities.

Connect with your Training Consultant to learn more about our HVAC programs and how to advance the careers of your heating and cooling technicians today.

HVAC Apprentice Training Course List

Pre-Technical Foundation Skills

Estimated Curriculum Duration: 638 hours (excluding videos)

Number of Exams: 85

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